Parent Information

Parent Information

At Pied Piper we operate an open door policy and we actively encourage parental/guardian involvment in nursery life.

We welcome parent’s comments and consult on a regular basis how the nursery is run and the services we offer.

Your child’s key person and the nursery manager are always willing to meet with you to discuss your child’s progress or answer any concerns you may have.

When you come to collect your child their key person will tell you all about his or her day, activities and achievements

We encourage parents and carers to be involved in their childs learning journey and to share information regularly.

Partenership is a two way process and we like our parents to help us make sure the nursery runs smoothly. Our nurseries have a parents notice board and regular newsletters to keep you up to date with news about the nursery.

The Pied Piper Childcare Centre
117 – 123 Knowle Road
WF14 9RJ
Tel: 01924 498308

Pied Piper Nursery
The Old Barn
Roberttown Lane
WF15 7LY
Tel: 01924 412791

Pied Piper Out of School Club
Norristhorpe U.R. Church
Norristhorpe Lane
WF15 7PG
Tel: 01924 412647